“What Ryan had learned from this is that your failures keep returning to you, while your successes are something you always have to convince yourself of.”
Britanska spisateljica stiže u Grčku kako bi održala tečaj pisanja. Kroz više različitih razgovora upoznajemo likove koji govore o svojim tjeskobama, maštanjima i životnim pričama.
Već jako dugo planiram čitati ovu trilogiju od Rachel Cusk i sada je očito bio idealan trenutak jer mi se baš svidjela.
Stil pisanja je točno kakav volim, poetičan, živopisan, stvaran. Nema akcije. Puno je misli. Razmišljanja. Života. Osjećala sam se na trenutke kao voajer, zavirujući u njihove razgovore, događaje, crtice iz života, osjećaje. Uživala sam u Grčkoj okupanoj suncem, u plivanju, vožnji barkom, mirisima… Imam osjećaj da je Oris knjiga koja se čita iznova i u kojoj svaki put otkrivamo neke nove emocije.
Divno je što postoji i nastavak pa mogu nastaviti ovo putovanje.
Outline – Rachel Cusk
A British writer arrives in Greece to hold a writing course. Through several different conversations, we meet characters who talk about their anxieties, fantasies and life stories.
I’ve been planning to read this trilogy by Rachel Cusk for a very long time and now was obviously the perfect time because I absolutely loved it.
The writing style is exactly what I like, poetic, vivid, real. No action. It’s a lot of thoughts. Musings. Life. At times, I felt like a voyeur, peering into their conversations, events, sketches from life, feelings. I enjoyed Greece bathed in the sun, swimming, boating, the smells… I have the feeling that Outline is a book that can be read over and over again and in which we discover new emotions each time we read it.
It’s great that there is a sequel so I can continue this journey.