“We need to teach them that the worst thing isn’t what nature is going to do to us, it’s what we’re going to do to each other.”
Iz perspektive četiriju likova, Didrika, medijskog konzultanta, Melisse, influenserice, Andréa, tinejdžera koji se želi osvetiti ocu i Vilje, tinejdžerice koja postaje neočekivana junakinja, pratimo razarajuće posljedice klimatskih promjena u Švedskoj. I dok požari haraju švedskim šumama životi se nastavljaju i na površinu izvlače ono najgore iz ljudi.
U ovom izrazito uzbudljivom romanu pisanom tako da nećete moći prestati čitati, uz likove koji su ponekad toliko grozni i sebični da bi ih najradije zgrabili i protresli i uz taman dovoljno obiteljske drame da vas drži potpuno obuzetim ovim romanom, autor će vas natjerati da razmislite o svijetu i životu koji nam se munjevito približava i od kojega nećemo uspjeti pobjeći.
Liljestrand je stvorio odlične antijunake i prije nego i sami shvatite izvući će i iz vas neke misli i reakcije koje niste niti znali da postoje. Shvatiti ćete da je većina spremna pomoći prirodi dok god to od njih ne traži veći angažman od lajka i hashtaga. Većina je spremna pomoći drugima dok god to ne narušava njihovu komociju i dok god to ne znači da se i oni odriču nečega. Kaos je tu, jako blizu, u svima nama, samo čeka…
Jako dobra distopija koja me na kraju ostavila iscrpljenu od emocija i zabrinutu kako dobra distopija i treba.
Od mene preporuka!
Even If Everything Ends – Jens Liljestrand
From the perspective of four characters, Didrik, a media consultant, Melissa, an influencer, André, a teenager who wants to take revenge on his father, and Vilja, a teenager who becomes an unexpected hero, we follow the devastating consequences of climate change in Sweden. And while the fires are ravaging the Swedish forests, life goes on and brings out the worst in people.
In this extremely exciting novel written in such a way that you won’t be able to stop reading, with characters that are sometimes so awful and selfish that you want to grab them and shake them and with just enough family drama to keep you completely engrossed in this novel, the author will make you think about the world and life that is approaching and from which we will not be able to escape.
Liljestrand has created great anti-heroes and before you know it, he’ll get some thoughts and reactions out of you that you didn’t even know existed. You will understand that most are willing to help nature as long as it doesn’t require more engagement from them than likes and hashtags. Most are ready to help others as long as it does not disturb their commotion and as long as it does not mean that they also give up something. The chaos is here, very close, in all of us, just waiting…
A very good dystopia that in the end left me emotionally exhausted and worried as a good dystopia should.