Neil deGrasse Tyson donosi pregled svojih razmišljanja o civilizaciji, kulturi, politici i svim ostalim gorućim temama utemeljenih na vlastitom životnom iskustvu, ali ponajprije na znanosti.
Ovo je bio moj prvi susret sa autorom, ali ne i posljednji. Oduševio me svojim načinom razmišljanja i postavljanjem pravih pitanja. Poljuljao je neke moje stavove za koje sam bila uvjerena da imam prilično čvrsto mišljenje. Natjerao me je da razmišljam. Iskreno u početku sam se malo pribojavala ove knjige i koliko ću ju razumjeti, ali pisana je vrlo jednostavno i jasno, uz savršenu dozu humora.
Negdje oko polovice shvatila sam kako bi najbolje za sve bilo da se svi krenemo baviti znanošću – zemlje koje su u ratu u znanosti i dalje surađuju, znanošću se liječe bolesti, svijet napreduje…uglavnom znanost čini svijet boljim.
Možda vam neće svi dijelovi biti jednako zanimljivi, ali će vam svakako otvoriti oči i natjerati vas na razmišljanje.
Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization – Neil deGrasse Tyson
Neil deGrasse Tyson provides an overview of his thoughts on civilization, culture, politics and all other burning topics based on his own life experience, but above all on science.
This was my first time reading this author, but not the last. He impressed me with his way of thinking and asking the right questions. He shook some of my views that I was convinced I had a pretty strong opinion on. He made me think. Honestly, in the beginning I was a little afraid of this book and how much I would understand it, but it was written very simply and clearly, with the perfect dose of humor.
Around half way through, I realized that the best thing for everyone would be if we all started doing science – countries that are at war continue to cooperate in science, science cures diseases, the world progresses… basically science makes the world better.
You may not find all parts equally interesting, but they will certainly open your eyes and make you think.