“But most of us are too scared to even ask what we want, in case we can’t have it.”
Do prije dvije godine najbolji prijatelji Poppy i Alex redovito su ljetovali zajedno. Upoznali su se prije dvanaest godina i iako na prvi pogled nemaju baš puno toga zajedničkog postali su najbolji prijatelji. A onda su to sve upropastili…
Ponekad volim Emily Henry, ponekad obožavam, ponekad baš i ne, a ponekad mi je samo ok. I upravo mi je takva Ti i ja na odmoru. Počela je super, a onda se poprilično razvukla i na trenutke bila pomalo i dosadna da bi me kraj oduševio i popravio sveukupni dojam.
I ne, ovaj put nije problem u likovima, jako su mi simpatični i navijala sam za njih od samog početka, ali prilično detaljni opisi putovanja meni nisu odgovarali.
Sve u svemu lagana, ljetna i sasvim OK društvo na plaži 😊
“On vacation, you strike up conversations with strangers, and forget that there are any stakes. If it turns out impossibly awkward, who cares? You’ll never see them again!
You’re whoever you want to be. You can do whatever you want.“
People We Meet On Vacation – Emily Henry
Until two years ago, best friends Poppy and Alex regularly vacationed together. They met twelve years ago and even though they don’t have much in common, they became best friends. And then they ruined it all…
Sometimes I love Emily Henry, sometimes I adore her, sometimes I don’t, and sometimes she’s just ok. And that’s exactly how I feel about People We Meet On Vacation. It started off great, but then stretched out quite a bit and was a bit boring at times, and then the ending was perfect which improved the overall impression.
And no, this time the problem was not with the characters, I like them very much and I was rooting for them from the very beginning, but the rather detailed descriptions of the journey did not suit me.
All in all, light, summery and quite OK company at the beach 😊