“How clever I am, she thought. How remarkable. I love being me.”
I dok bogata gospodarica na katu planira zabavu, sluškinje u podrumu planiraju pljačku stoljeća. Očistiti kuću od svih vrijednosti pod nosom bogatih baš kako i bogati oduzimaju sve siromašnima. Roman o snazi i podršci žena, o klasama, o moći i razlikama.
Ukratko Oceanovih 8 i Downton Abbey zapakirani u intrigantni triler, prvijenac Alexa Haya vrijedan je svake pohvale. Odlična priča sa fantastičnim obratom i za mene apsolutnim iznenađenjem na kraju. Nakon početnog lutanja pažnje ostatak romana držao me u napetosti do samoga kraja. Vrlo brzo sam se povezala s likovima koji svi imaju svoje razloge za sudjelovanje u ovom pothvatu čime je priča još uvjerljivija i uzbudljivija.
Sve u svemu Sluškinje su napeti i uzbudljiv triler koji bih preporučila svim ljubiteljima ovog žanra, a pogotovo Engleske u 1905.
The Housekeepers – Alex Hay
And while the rich mistress upstairs is planning a party, the maids are planning the robbery of the century in the basement. Clean the house of all values under the nose of the rich just as the rich take everything away from the poor. A novel about the strength and support of women, about classes, about power and differences.
A combination of Ocean’s 8 and Downton Abbey wrapped into an intriguing thriller, Alex Hay’s debut is worthy of praise. A great story with a fantastic twist and for me an absolute surprise at the end. After the initial distraction, the rest of the novel kept me in suspense until the very end. I quickly connected with the characters, who all have their own reasons for participating in this venture, which makes the story even more convincing and exciting.
All in all, The Housekeepers is a tense and exciting thriller that I would recommend to all fans of this genre and especially fans of England in 1905.