U pet i trideset ujutro na njezin četrdeset peti rođendan Clio pronalazi tijelo svog bivšeg muža na vlastitom pragu. Uz zaboravnost, valunge i alkohol Clio više nije sigurna što se točno dogodilo te noći…
Kako ne ubiti bivšeg je prva knjiga u serijalu The Bad Girls Detective Agency i iskreno se nadam ne i posljednja prevedena kod nas jer me apsolutno osvojila. Autorica je prije pisala ljubavne knjige, a s obzirom koliko mi se ova svidjela mislim da ću potražiti i ostale.
Lagana, šarmantna i zabavna omogućila mi je nekoliko sati uživanja, čitanje u jednom dahu i hrpu zabrinutih pogleda na plaži, a kada sam se i krenula smijati odjednom je oko mene bilo mjesta za dodatne ručnike. 😊
Radnju pratimo iz perspektive nekoliko likova što ju čini napetom i uzbudljivom. Clio i njezine najbolje prijateljice zanimljive su svaka na svoj način i definitivno su prijateljice koje bismo svi željeli imati u životu.
Ako volite cosy mystery i želite se opustiti i zabaviti onda je ova knjiga idealna za vas!
How Not To Murder Your Ex – Katie Marsh
At five-thirty on the morning of her forty-fifth birthday, Clio finds her ex-husband’s body on her doorstep. With forgetfulness, hot flashes and alcohol, Clio is no longer sure what exactly happened that night…
How Not To Murder Your Ex is the first book in The Bad Girls Detective Agency series, and I sincerely hope it’s not the last book translated in Croatia, because it absolutely won me over. The author has written romance books before, and considering how much I liked this one, I think I will look for the others as well.
Light, charming and fun, it allowed me several hours of enjoyment, reading in one sitting and a lot of worried looks on the beach, and when I started laughing, suddenly there was room for extra towels around me. 😊
We follow the plot from several POVs which makes it tense and exciting. Clio and her best friends are each interesting in their own way and are definitely the friends we would all like to have in our lives.
If you like cosy mystery and want to relax and have fun, then this book is ideal for you!