Povratak kralja je treći dio trilogije Gospodar prstenova. Frodo i Sam nastavljaju svoj put kroz Mordor sa konačnim ciljem uništenja ukletog Prstena Moći u vatri Napuklina Kobi. Dok se Sauronove zle sile šire Međuzemljem, Frodo je sve slabiji, a put sve teži.
Ovaj mjesec odlučila sam dovršiti nekoliko knjiga započetih kroz prethodne mjesece pa je tako na red došao i Povratak kralja. Presretna sam da sam imala priliku biti tog čarobnog svijeta i apsolutno sam sigurna da ću se kad-tad opet vratiti.
Treći nastavak od prve stranice prepun je uzbudljivih događaja, bitka za bitkom, problem za problemom, ali meni su osobno najdraži dijelovi bili sa Frodom i Samom. Jedva sam čekala biti dio njihove družine, a posebno sam uživala u zadnjih nekoliko poglavlja.
Sveukupno Gospodar prstenova je vrhunski serijal koji bi svi ljubitelji fantasyja trebali čitati. Drugi dio mi je bio najbolji.
Sam mi je najdraži lik.
A Hobit je i dalje moj najdraži Tolkien.
The Return of the King – J.R.R. Tolkien
The Return of the King is the third part of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Frodo and Sam continue their journey through Mordor with the ultimate goal of destroying the cursed One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom. As Sauron’s evil forces spread through Middle-earth, Frodo is getting weaker and weaker, and the journey is getting harder.
This month I decided to finish several books started in previous months, so it was the time of Return of the King. I am very happy that I had the opportunity to be in that magical world and I am absolutely sure that I will return again someday.
The third installment is full of exciting events from the first page, battle after battle, problem after problem, but my personal favorite parts were with Frodo and Sam. I couldn’t wait to be a part of their company, and I especially enjoyed the last few chapters.
Overall, The Lord of the Rings is a superb series that all fantasy fans should read.
The second part was the best for me.
Sam is my favorite character.
And The Hobbit is still my favorite Tolkien.