Marie Kondo oduševila me svojom prvom knjigom uz pomoć koje sam prije par godina dovela svoj ormar u red i samim time i prodisala.
I sigurno se sad pitate što još može ponuditi? E pa puno toga.
Dok se u prvoj knjizi bavila odjećom i stvarima, ovaj put Kondo se bacila na sve. Od samog ulaza u stan, preko dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, kupaonice i vrta, do kreiranja vašeg idealnog jutra i večeri. Ovaj put je veliki naglasak na prilagođavanju svih njezinih ideja i savjeta sebi.
Mene je još jednom osvojila. Oduševile su me fotografije koje su meditativne. Inspirirala me sastaviti popis svega što želim dovesti u red u svojem životu. Za početak sam izdvojila gomilu knjiga sa polica koje sam čuvala iz nekih svojih razloga, a zapravo su me počele gušiti. Ne, Kondo ne zagovara minimalan broj knjiga. Ako vas vesele pune police to je savršena brojka za vas.
Najvrjednije od svega je što sam shvatila da kada neke stvari u našem životu ispune svoju funkciju vrijeme je da se pozdravimo s njima i napravimo mjesta za nove. A to je ono s čim uvijek imam najveći problem. Ne sviđa vam se više ta haljina/knjiga/ukras koji ste ludo željeli? Maknite ih! Tada su vas razveselili i to im je i bila svrha. Ispunili su svoju svrhu i sada je vrijeme da odu.
Uz radne listiće na kraju knjige za kreiranje idealnog jutra, večeri i dana sigurna sam da će svatko pronaći bar nešto za sebe.
Marie Kondo’s kurashi at home
Marie Kondo
Marie Kondo delighted me with her first book, with the help of which I put my closet in order a couple of years ago, and thus started breathing again.
And you must be wondering what else she has to offer? Well, a lot of things.
While in the first book she dealt with clothes and things, this time Kondo threw herself into everything. From the very entrance to your living space, through the living room, kitchen, bathroom and garden, to creating your ideal morning and evening. This time there is a big emphasis on adapting all her ideas and advice to yourself.
She won me over once again. I loved the photos, which are meditative. She inspired me to make a list of everything I want to put in order in my life. To begin with, I picked out a bunch of books from the shelves that I kept for some reasons of my own, and in fact they started to suffocate me. No, Kondo does not advocate a minimum number of books. If full shelves make you happy, this is the perfect number for you.
The most valuable thing of all is that I realized that when some things in our life have served their purpose, it is time to say goodbye to them and make room for new ones. And that’s what I always have the biggest problem with. Don’t like that dress/book/vase you’ve been dying to have anymore? Remove them! Then they cheered you up and that was their purpose. They have served their purpose and now it is time for them to go.
With worksheets at the end of the book for creating an ideal morning, evening and day, I’m sure that everyone will find at least something for themselves.