“It’s one of those special places where you feel like time doesn’t exist. Where it will always be summer, where I’ll always wake up with you.”
Od kada zna za sebe Meredith Fox ljetuje na otoku Martha’s Vineyard gdje će se ove godine održati i sestričnino vjenčanje. Slomljena srca zbog gubitka sestre i nedavnog prekida dugogodišnje veze, Meredith je sigurna da se tako skoro neće upustiti u novu vezu. A onda upozna vrlo privlačnog kuma…
Slatka, ali definitivno za mlađu populaciju. 😊 Ovaj put zavarala me preslatka naslovnica i silna želja za ljetom koje nam je tako brzo pobjeglo. Mislim da sam očekivala Carley Fortune i Sva nova ljeta, a dobila Jenny Han i serijal Ljeto kada sam postala lijepa. U svakom slučaju kako su stranice odmicale shvatila sam da sam polako, ali sigurno ostarila 😊
Ostavimo li moje godine postrani, autorica je stvorila romantičnu priču sa simpatičnim likovima između kojih se od početka javlja kemija i napetost, ali osobno mi je previše fokusa na obiteljsku igru, a premalo na same likove i događaje koji ih čine takvima kakvi jesu. (Međutim priznajem da mi je odmah zagrijalo srce spominjanje serije Prijatelji 😊)
Ako ste barem duplo mlađi od mene i tražite društvo za plažu onda svakako bacite pogled i na ovaj naslov.
The Summer of Broken Rules – K. L. Walther
For as long as she can remember, Meredith Fox has been spending her summers on Martha’s Vineyard, where her cousin’s wedding will take place this year. Heartbroken over the loss of her sister and the recent breakup of a long-term relationship, Meredith is sure she won’t be getting into a new relationship anytime soon. Butthen she meets a very attractive best man…
Cute, but definitely for the younger population. 😊 This time I was fooled by the adorable cover and the strong desire for the summer that escaped us so quickly. I think I was expecting Carley Fortune and Every Summer After, and I got Jenny Han and the series The Summer I Turned Pretty. Anyway, as the pages progressed, I realized that slowly but surely I got older 😊
Leaving my age aside, the author has created a romantic story with likable characters between whom there is chemistry and tension from the beginning, but personally, there is too much focus on the family game and too little on the characters themselves and the events that make them the way they are. (However, I admit that the mention of the series Friends immediately warmed my heart 😊)
If you are at least half my age and looking for a companion for the beach, then definitely take a look at this title.