Davno prije Gospodara prstenova, vilenjaci i ljudi brane se od napada hordi zlog boga Morgotha. Nakon što je ljudski vladar Húrin zarobljen i na njegovo potomstvo bačena kletva, vladar je postavljen na vrh planine da gleda patnju svojeg naroda. Zbog stalnih napada i opasnosti Húrinov sin Túrin napušta svoj dom i odlazi u šumsko kraljevstvo vilenjaka Thingola, koji ga posvaja. Borbe, nesretna smrt, tajne i prošlost mijenjaju tijek Túrinova života i donose nam još jednu epsku priču koja se ne zaboravlja.
Napisana daleke 1920. te uređena i objavljena od strane Tolkienova sina Christophera tek 2007. ova je priča svakako vrijedna čitanja. Iako mi je trebalo vremena da se uživim i početak nije bio u potpunosti po mome ukusu (puno previše raznih imena koja sam sve teže pratila), što je knjiga više odmicala priča mi je postajala sve bolja i bolja. Posljednje scene borbi su vrhunske, a unatoč težem početku do kraja sam bila oduševljena.
Ljubitelji Tolkienovih djela u Húrinovoj djeci pronaći će još jednu priču koja se ne propušta.
The Children of Húrin – J.R.R. Tolkien
Long before The Lord of the Rings, elves and men defend themselves against the hordes of the evil god Morgoth. After the human ruler Húrin was captured and a curse was placed on his offspring, the ruler was placed on top of a mountain to watch the suffering of his people. Due to constant attacks and dangers, Húrin’s son Túrin leaves his home and goes to the forest kingdom of the elf Thingol, who adopts him. Battles, an unfortunate death, secrets and the past change the course of Túrin’s life and bring us another epic story that will not be forgotten.
Written back in 1920 and edited and published by Tolkien’s son Christopher only in 2007, this story is definitely worth reading. Although it took me a while to get into it and the beginning was not entirely to my taste (too many different names that made it harder for me to follow), the more the book progressed, the better and better the story became. The last fight scenes are superb, and despite the rough start, I loved it in the end.
Fans of Tolkien’s works will find another unmissable story in The Children of Húrin.