Drugi nastavak o Greti donosi nam više ljubavi, a manje ratnih užasa. Tom Monderath je zaljubljen, sa djetetom i majkom Gretom o kojoj mora cijelo vrijeme brinuti. Nakon slučajnog saznanja da ima polubrata Henka, Tom počinje otkrivati obiteljske tajne.
Početak nas vodi u ratne godine Njemačke, tuga, bol, glad i veliki gubitci obilježili su djetinjstvo i mladost Tomova oca. Nakon ovih početnih teških stranica priča se razvija sve više u smjeru izrazito zanimljivih i bitnih tema. Ovo nije priča samo o ratnim danima i ljubavi usred rata, ovo je priča o ženama u ratnim i poslijeratnim godinama, o obiteljskim tajnama koje su nezamislive, o umjetnoj oplodnji i kontracepciji i početcima novog razdoblja za ovu granu medicine.
Prvi dio me oduševio i upravo zbog toga i moja očekivanja od ovog nastavka bila su vrlo visoka. Sama priča ispunila je ta očekivanja, zanimljiva je i napeta, ali realizacija mi je ovaj put bila nešto slabija. Dok mi u Greti nije bilo niti jedne stranice viška ovdje sam povremeno imala dojam rastegnutosti priče. Međutim likovi su mi i dalje bili dovoljno dragi i zanimljivi da me odvedu do samoga kraja. Jako dobra priča sa samo ponekom stranicom viška. 😊
What I never said – Susanne Abel
The second sequel about Greta brings us more love and less war horrors. Tom Monderath is in love, with a child and his mother Greta, whom he has to take care of all the time. After accidentally learning that he has a half-brother, Henk, Tom begins to uncover family secrets.
The beginning takes us to the war years of Germany, sadness, pain, hunger and great losses marked Tom’s father’s childhood and youth. After these initial difficult pages, the story develops more and more in the direction of extremely interesting and important topics. This is not only a story about war days and love in the middle of war, this is a story about women in the war and post-war years, about family secrets that are unimaginable, about artificial insemination and contraception and the beginnings of a new era for this branch of medicine.
The first part delighted me and that’s why my expectations for this sequel were very high. The story itself fulfilled those expectations, it is interesting and tense, but the realization was somewhat weaker this time. While I didn’t feel there was a single unnecessary page in Greta, here I occasionally had the impression that the story was a bit stretched. However, the characters were still dear and interesting enough to take me to the very end. A very good story with only a few unnecessary pages.