Nakon prekida dugogodišnje veze četrdesetogodišnji Fausto odluči potražiti mir u planinama. Istovremeno dvadeset sedmogodišnja Silvia na planini odluči pronaći sebe. Unatoč razlici u godinama među njima se rađa i više od prijateljstva.

Na relativno malenom broju stranica ljubavna veza Silvije i Fausta nije jedino što nam ovaj roman donosi. Uz predivne opise planine, života tih dana i događaja u životima likova, traženja sebe i mirenja s prirodom, s lakoćom ćete odlutati u planinsko mjestašce Fontanu Freddu i na obronke talijanskih Alpa.

Vrlo brzo sam se povezala sa likovima i njihovim osjećajima. I kao i uvijek uživala sam u Cognettijevoj Italiji. Osobno jako volim Paola Cognettija i njegov atmosferični stil pisanja. Knjiga Osam planina osvojila me prije par godina i od tada se vraćam ovom autoru kada god mi se pruži prilika. Iako mi je u Vučjoj sreći nedostajalo još nešto čime bi priča bila zaokružena, pronašla sam mir i tišinu koje samo planina i ovakav stil pisanja mogu ponuditi.


The Lovers – Paolo Cognetti

After breaking up a long-term relationship, a forty-year-old Fausto decides to seek peace in the mountains. At the same time a twenty-seven-year-old Silvia decides to find herself on the mountain. Despite the age difference, more than friendship is born between them.

In a relatively small number of pages, the love relationship between Silvia and Fausto is not the only thing that this novel brings us. With wonderful descriptions of the mountain, life in those days and events in the lives of the characters, searching for oneself and reconciling with nature, you will easily transport yourself to the mountain town of Fontana Fredda and to the slopes of the Italian Alps.

I connected very quickly with the characters and their feelings. And as always, I enjoyed Cognetti’s Italy. Personally, I really like Paolo Cognetti and his atmospheric writing style. The Eight Mountains won me over a couple of years ago and since then I have been returning to this author whenever I get the chance. Although there was something lacking in The Lovers to complete the story, I found the peace and quiet that only the mountain and this writing style can offer.