Sam i Nisha dolaze iz potpuno drugačijih svjetova i da nije bilo nespretne zamjene torbi u teretani vjerojatno se nikada ne bi niti srele. Kako će im ta naizgled nebitna situacija promijeniti život ostaje vam otkriti.

Mene je ovaj roman oduševio od prve stranice. Svi, ali baš svi likovi su mi bili kakvi trebaju biti, neki zli i antipatični, a neki divni, duhoviti i zabavni. Priča me odmah uvukla u svijet Sam i Nishe. Nisam mogla prestati čitati, ludo sam se zabavila, nasmijala, ali i duboko suosjećala sa svime što im se događalo.

Autorica je pokušala, a po meni i uspjela obraditi raznolike teme: preljub, depresiju, teške bolesti, razvod i pitanje seksualne orijentacije na jedan laganiji, povremeno i duhovit način – i sve to začinila je meni omiljenim cosy mystery žanrom koji me uvijek iznova oduševi i oraspoloži.

Koliko je cijela radnja u stvarnosti moguća ne znam i iskreno nije me niti briga. Kada sam posegnula za ovom knjigom očekivala sam nešto zabavno i opušteno, a upravo to sam i dobila.

Od mene 5 zvjezdica!


Someone Else’s Shoes

Jojo Moyes

Sam and Nisha come from completely different worlds and if it weren’t for an accidental exchange of bags at the gym, they probably would never have met. How this seemingly insignificant situation will change their lives remains for you to discover.

I was delighted by this novel from the first page. All, and I mean all the characters were to me as they should be, some evil and not likable, and some wonderful, witty and fun. The story immediately drew me into the world of Sam and Nisha. I couldn’t stop reading, I had a lot of fun, laughed, but also deeply sympathized with everything that was happening to them.

The author tried, and in my opinion succeeded, in dealing with a variety of topics: adultery, depression, serious illnesses, divorce and the issue of sexual orientation in a lighter, occasionally even humorous way – and she spiced it all up with my favorite cozy mystery genre, which always delights me and cheers me up.

I don’t know how possible the whole plot is in reality and I honestly don’t even care. When I reached for this book, I was expecting something fun and relaxed, and that’s exactly what I got.

5 stars from me!