U Terapiji nadohvat ruke autor nam donosi 100 psihoterapijskih tehnika za lakšu svakodnevnicu. I ova knjiga upravo to i je! Tehnike uz pomoć kojih nećete riješiti sve svoje životne i psihičke probleme, ali si ih možete olakšati, naučiti se ponekad nositi s njima i ublažiti ih. Kao što i autor sam kaže: “Jasno je da knjiga za samopomoć ne može zamijeniti psihoterapiju.”, ali “Možda u njoj postoji nešto što će vam jednom zatrebati.”

Ono što se meni posebno svidjelo je jednostavnost s kojom je pisana, a opet utemeljena na znanosti i raznim istraživanjima. Savjeti su razumljivi i apsolutno primjenjivi. Neke već i sama primjenjujem, neke koristim kada učenicima objašnjavam programiranje i rastavljanje složenih problema na više manjih i jednostavnijih, a s nekima sam se prvi put susrela i odmah ih primijenila na svom sinoćnjem predavanju o Stresu među profesorima. (Progresivna mišićna relaksacija bila je puni pogodak i apsolutni hit 😊 )

Baš kao i šalica kave sigurna sam da će vam i ova knjiga biti od koristi. 😊


Therapy To Go – Sacha Bachim

In Therapy To Go, the author brings us 100 psychotherapy techniques for easier everyday life. And this book is exactly that! Techniques with the help of which you will not solve all your life and psychological problems, but you can make them easier for yourself, learn to deal with them and alleviate them. As the author himself says: “It is clear that a self-help book cannot replace psychotherapy,” but “Maybe there is something in it that you will need someday.”

What I particularly liked was the simplicity with which it was written, yet based on science and various researches. The advice is understandable and absolutely applicable. Some I already apply myself, some I use when I explain to my students programming and breaking down complex problems into smaller and simpler ones, and some I met for the first time and immediately applied them at my lecture on Stress Among Teachers last night. (Progressive muscle relaxation was a total hit 😊)

Just like a cup of coffee, I’m sure you’ll find this book useful. 😊