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Ženski krug dame Tan – Lisa See

“Žena je žena, bila rođena u prašini ili svili.” “Whether animal or woman, we are a man’s possessions. We women exist to give him heirs and feed, clothe, and amuse him.”   Ženski krug dame Tan donosi nam priču o Kini u 15. stoljeću i Tan Yunxian, djevojci iz ugledne obitelji koju baka podučava osnovama …

Stilus knjiga

Otok morskih žena – Lisa See

“How different it is with friendship. No one picks a friend for us; we come together by choice. We are not tied together through ceremony or the responsibility to create a son; we tie ourselves together through moments.” Priča prati živote djevojčica Mi-ja i Young-sook na korejskom otoku Jeju, Otoku morskih žena, kroz mnoga desetljeća …