Liz i Laurie majka su i kći potpuno drugačijeg stila i sa često suprotnim mišljenjima koja su izvor njihovog pomalo napetog odnosa. Nakon što se Liz suoči sa potencijalno opasnim zdravstvenim stanjem, Laurie pristane na zajedničko putovanje u Pariz i Norvešku.

Međutim putovanje majke i kćeri odvesti će vas puno dalje nego što možete zamisliti. Ovo je putovanje u kojem ćete uživati svim svojim osjetilima. Ova priča je poput turističkog vodiča sa svim preslatkim mjestima i najfinijim slasticama Pariza koje ne smijete propustiti i predivnim opisima Norveške ljepote. Imati ćete osjećaj kao da putujete s njima.

Mene je Sve što sam htjela reći majci očarala. Nisam očekivala da će ova naizgled opuštajuća i lagana knjiga u meni probuditi tolike emocije. U jednom trenutku čitala sam sa knedlom u grlu i suzama u očima. A preokret na kraju ostavio me bez riječi!

Prikaz odnosa majke i kćeri sigurno vas neće ostaviti ravnodušnima i zato nemojte propustiti ovu knjigu – zaslužuje vaše vrijeme i pažnju.


Things I Wish I Told My Mother – Susan Patterson, Susan DiLallo, James Patterson

Liz and Laurie are mother and daughter with completely different styles and often opposing opinions, which is often the source of their slightly strained relationship. After Liz faces a potentially life-threatening medical condition, Laurie agrees to take a trip to Paris and Norway together.

However, the mother-daughter journey will take you much further than you can imagine. This is a trip that you will enjoy with all your senses. This story is like a tourist guide with all the adorable places and the finest sweets of Paris that you should not miss and wonderful descriptions of Norwegian beauty. You will feel as if you were traveling with them.

I was enchanted by Thing I Wish I Told My Mother. I did not expect that this seemingly relaxing and light book would awaken so many emotions in me. At one point I was reading with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. And the twist at the end left me speechless!

The portrayal of the mother-daughter relationship will certainly not leave you indifferent, so don’t miss this book – it deserves both your time and attention.