Claudija i Francesco odrastaju u istom mjestu, Martini Franci, ali su karakterno potpuno drugačiji. Ona je sigurna u sebe i svojom pojavom i ponašanjem provocira svoju okolinu. On samo želi biti prihvaćen. No Claudija u njemu uoči nešto poznato što ih zauvijek poveže. I dok je za nju to maleno talijansko mjesto premaleno i život ju odvede u London, Milano i na kraju Berlin, Francesco tek treba skupiti hrabrosti za odlazak i pronalazak sebe. Jer osim što pratimo likove koji traže svoje mjesto u novim gradovima i državama, ujedno ih pratimo u traženju sebe i otkrivanju što i koga vole i kako.

Negdje sam pročitala da Razdomljeni podsjećaju na Razgovore s prijateljima i meni je to bila dovoljna preporuka. Ima nešto u ovakvim romanima, kao ništa posebno napeto se ne događa, a opet događa se i ne mogu prestati čitati jer oni žive svoje živote, odrastaju, sazrijevaju i mi smo tu uz njih. I kada nam odgovara stil pisanja i autor nas uvuče u priču i taj mali svijet koji je stvorio, vrlo teško ga napuštamo. Meni odgovara, i ideja i atmosfera i način na koji je pisan roman. Čisti dokaz da ponekad ne treba vjerovati ocjenama na Goodreadsu. 😊


Spatriati – Mario Desiati

Claudia and Francesco grow up in the same place, Martina Franca, but they are completely different in character. She is confident in herself and provokes those around her with her appearance and behavior. He just wants to be accepted. But Claudia notices something familiar in him that connects them forever. And while that small Italian place is too small for her and life takes her to London, Milan and finally Berlin, Francesco has yet to gather the courage to leave and find himself. Because in addition to following the characters who are looking for their place in new cities and countries, we also follow them in their search for themselves and discovering what and who they love and how.

I read somewhere that Spatriati is similar to Conversations with Friends, and that was enough of a recommendation for me. There is something in these kinds of novels, like nothing particularly tense happens, and yet it happens, and I can’t stop reading because they live their lives, grow up, mature and we are there with them. And when the writing style suits us, and the author draws us into the story and the little world he has created, it is very difficult for us to leave it. I like the idea and the atmosphere and the way the novel is written. A proof that sometimes you shouldn’t trust the ratings on Goodreads. 😊