Zbirka se sastoji od jedanaest odabranih priča: Izdajničko srce, Crni mačak, Sanduk amontillada, Pad kuće Usher, Ubojstva u Ulici Morgue, Zagonetka Marie Roget, Otuđeno pismo, Ligeia, Krabulja crvene smrti, Jama i klatno i Činjenice u slučaju M. Valdemara.

Poea sam zadnji put čitala na fakultetu u sklopu jednog od kolegija američke književnosti. Sjećam se i čitanja i diskusija, ali u konačnici nije ostavio dojam na mene. Sada, dvadeset godina kasnije oduševila sam se ugledavši ovo izdanje kod @pulscitaj. Dvadeset godina kasnije većina priča u sklopu ove zbirke također me oduševila. Ovih par koje nisu očito će pričekati novih dvadeset godina. 😊

Poe je postavio temelje za kratku priču, detektivske priče, true crime koncept, oduševio čak i srednjoškolce te stvorio najslavniju ukletu kuću američke književnosti.

Sve u svemu nabavite ovu knjigu i pročitajte jer je prijevod fantastičan, a priče odlične. Strašne, gnjusne i sablasne – sve što treba jednom ljubitelju horora i krimića. 😊


The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories

Edgar Allan Poe

The collection consists of eleven selected stories: The Tell Tale Heart, The Black Cat, The Cask of Amontillada, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, The Mystery of Marie Roget, The Purloined Letter, Ligeia, The Masque of the Red Death, The Pit and the Pendulum, and The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar.

The last time I read Poe was in college as part of one of my American literature courses. I remember both the readings and the discussions, but ultimately it didn’t leave an impression on me. Now, twenty years later, I was delighted to see this edition at @pulscitaj. Twenty years later, most of the stories in this collection also delighted me. These couple which did not will obviously wait another twenty years. 😊

Poe laid the foundations for the short story, detective stories, the true crime concept, delighted even high school children and created the most famous haunted house in American literature.

All in all, get Poe and read him because the stories are great. Terrible, hideous and spooky – everything a horror and crime lover needs. 😊