Tek vjenčani Tricia i Ethan u potrazi su za kućom iz snova. Upute se u razgledavanje doma slavne psihijatrice dr. Adrienne Hale koja je nestala bez traga. Snažna mećava zarobi ih u kući. Tricia uskoro otkriva tajnu sobu sa snimkama dr. Haleinih seansi koje ju dovode do šokantnih otkrića…

Moj prvi susret sa Freidom McFadden prošao je odlično. Kada su u pitanju trileri i krimići ja sam vam potpuno “clueless” i obično do samoga kraja nemam pojma tko je kriv. Ne laži mi za mene je bila zanimljiva, napeta, odlično pisana i šokantna. Zbog stila pisanja vrlo brzo se čita i uvlači vas u priču od prve stranice, a do samog raspleta nisam imala pojma u kojem smjeru sve skupa ide.

Pročitala sam ju u jednom dahu i odmah dodala na popis i ostale knjige ove autorice.


Never Lie – Freida McFadden

Newlyweds Tricia and Ethan are looking for their dream home. They are on their way to see the home of the famous psychiatrist dr. Adrienne Hale who disappeared without a trace. A strong blizzard traps them in the house. Tricia soon discovers a secret room with recordings of Dr. Hale’s sessions that lead her to shocking discoveries…

My first Freida McFadden experience went great. When it comes to thrillers and crime stories, I’m completely clueless and I usually have no idea who’s the bad guy until the very end. Never lie was interesting, tense, well written and shocking. Due to the writing style, it is a very fast read and draws you into the story from the first page, and until the very end I had no idea in which direction everything was going.

I read it in one sitting and immediately added other books by this author to the list.