Metak koji je promašio je treći nastavak u ovom preslatkom serijalu i treća knjiga o sada već svima poznatim starčekima koja me u potpunosti oduševila. Cosy crime u svom najboljem izdanju.

Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim i Ron su na okupu. Rješavaju deset godina stari slučaj nestale novinarke i po putu upadaju u raznorazne nevolje.

I dalje su odlični! Uživala sam u druženju s njima, zabavni su i slatki i totalno šašavi. Divni likovi koji cijelo čitanje čine još ugodnijim. A ovaj slučaj je bio toliko napet da se nisam odvajala od knjige.

Za mene je ova knjiga čista feel-good petica bez ikakvih zamjerki. Odličan britanski humor, fantastično pisanje, predivno razrađeni i zanimljivi likovi, te zanimljiv slučaj. Opuštanje i zabava su uz ovu simpatičnu četvorku zagarantirani. Jedva čekam idući nastavak!


The Bullet That Missed

Richard Osman

The Bullet That Missed is the third installment in this adorable series and the third book about the now well-known retirees, which completely delighted me. Cosy crime at its best.

Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron are together again. They solve the ten-year-old case of a missing journalist and get into various troubles along the way.

They are still great! I enjoyed hanging out with them, they are fun and sweet and totally goofy. Wonderful characters that make the whole reading even more enjoyable. And this case was so tense that I couldn’t take my eyes off the book.

For me, this book is a pure feel-good A without any complaints. Great British humor, fantastic writing, wonderfully developed and interesting characters, and an interesting case. Relaxation and fun are guaranteed with this adorable foursome. I can’t wait for the next installment!