Danima razmišljam što napisati, a da nije napisano već tisuću puta i unatoč silnom razmišljanju nisam ništa pametnija.

Svi ljubitelji fantasyja već su pročitali cijeli serijal. Samo ja kasnim na tulum.

Tolkiena stvarno jako volim. Hobita sam pročitala tri puta i jedna mi je od najdražih knjiga. Prstenovu družinu dva puta. Zašto nisam nastavila sa Dvije kule i Povratkom kralja? Nemam pojma. Istovremeno mi je žao što nisam prije uživala u ovom serijalu, ali i drago jer sada uživam možda i više. Odrasla sam, puna svakodnevnih briga i obaveza i ovaj bijeg od stvarnosti je fantastičan.

Sve me je oduševilo – stvaranje svijeta i priče, likovi (posebno hobiti) i njihov razvoj kroz priču te napetost na zadnjih stotinjak stranica o kojima sam razmišljala svaki trenutak dok nisam čitala.

I na kraju moram spomenuti Sama. Njegova hrabrost i lojalnost potpuno su me osvojili.

A tko je vama najdraži lik?


The Two Towers

J.R.R. Tolkien

For days I’ve been thinking about what to write, without it being written a thousand times already, and despite my intense thinking, I’m not any smarter.

All fantasy fans have already read the entire series. I’m the only one late to the party.

I really love Tolkien. I have read The Hobbit three times and it is one of my favorite books. The Fellowship of the Ring I’ve read twice. I have no idea why I didn’t continue with The Two Towers and The Return of the King. At the same time, I’m sorry that I didn’t enjoy this series before, but I’m also glad because now I am enjoying it maybe even more. I am all grown up, full of everyday worries and obligations, and this escape from reality is fantastic.

Everything amazed me – the creation of the world and the story, the characters (especially the hobbits) and their development through the story, and the excitement in the last hundred or so pages, which I thought about every moment until I finished reading.

And finally, I have to mention Sam. His courage and loyalty completely won me over.

And who is your favorite character?