U romanu pratimo odrastanje Laurence Barraqué šezdesetih u Rouenu, Francuska, njezin put od djevojčice do majke. Uz oca liječnika i majku domaćicu u samom početku romana jasno je postavljen sustav vrijednosti toga vremena.

Autorica je odlučila glavni ženski lik provući kroz sve nepravde i nejednakosti kroz koje žena tog vremena prolazi u Europi – emocionalne i fizičke. Na nešto više od dvjestotinjak stranica pozabavila se nejednakošću među spolovima, inferiornošću, seksualnošću, seksualnim zlostavljanjem, odnosima s ocem i majkom i majčinstvom.

Ono što me osobno najviše šokiralo je spoznaja da je Francuska u srcu Europe u šezdesetima, koje nisu neka davna prošlost, bila toliko nazadna. Kao netko tko nikada u svojem odrastanju nije osjetio razliku između odgoja mene i brata strašno mi je teško bilo shvatiti da postoje roditelji koji su razočarani rođenjem kćeri.

Ovo je jedna snažna, moćna i važna knjiga koja pokazuje položaj djevojčica, djevojaka i žena u Francuskoj koji je meni u 2024. vrlo teško shvatljiv i apsolutno neprihvatljiv. Djevojčica će definitivno izazvati promišljanja i postaviti hrpu pitanja o kojima ćete još dugo razmišljati. Međutim također će i pokazati koliko smo napredovali.


Girl – Camille Laurens

In the novel, we follow the life of Laurence Barraqué in the sixties in Rouen, France, her journey from a girl to a mother. Along with a doctor father and a housewife mother, the value system of that time is clearly established at the very beginning of the novel.

The author decided to put the main female character through all the injustices and inequalities that women of that time went through in Europe – emotional and physical. In just over two hundred pages, she dealt with gender inequality, inferiority, sexuality, sexual abuse, relationships with father and mother, and motherhood.

What personally shocked me the most was the realization that France, in the heart of Europe in the sixties, which is not some distant past, was so backward. As someone who never felt the difference between my upbringing and my brother’s upbringing, it was extremely difficult for me to understand that there are parents who are disappointed with the birth of their daughter.

This is a strong, powerful and important book that shows the position of girls and women in France, which is very difficult for me to understand and absolutely unacceptable in 2024. Girl will definitely provoke reflection and raise a bunch of questions that you will think about for a long time. However it will also show how much we have progressed.