Molly i Andrew simpatični su Irci čije slučajno prijateljstvo s vremenom preraste u prekrasnu godišnju rutinu. Ona je pomalo grinčasta, ali ništa pretjerano, on je ljubitelj svega blagdanskog. On želi stići doma za Božić, a ona će napraviti sve da mu to omogući.

Društvene mreže bile su zatrpane pohvalama na račun ove knjige i upravo zbog toga sam i ja posegnula za njom prošli tjedan. I nisam se razočarala. Slatka i romantična, od prve do zadnje stranice opuštena i zabavna. Likovi su simpatični, čak povremeno i toliko duhoviti da sam se smijala naglas. A tek kemija među njima… Odlična! Uz poneku vruću scenu uživanje je zagarantirano.

Iako su blagdani iza nas još uvijek se možete uputiti na putovanje sa Molly i Andrewom! Nećete požaliti!



Holiday Romance – Catherine Walsh

Molly and Andrew are both from Ireland whose casual friendship eventually grows into a wonderful annual routine. She is a bit grinchy, but nothing excessive, he is a lover of all things festive. He wants to get home for Christmas, and she will do anything to make it happen.

Instagram was full of praise for this book, and that’s exactly why I reached for it last week. And I was not disappointed. Sweet and romantic, relaxed and fun from the first page to the last. The characters are likable, even occasionally so funny that I laughed out loud. And the chemistry between them… Excellent! With some spicy scenes, enjoyment is guaranteed.

Even though the holidays are behind us, you can still go on a trip with Molly and Andrew! You will not be sorry!