Uvijek se žalim kako kod nas slabo izlaze klasici i kako nemamo lijepih izdanja i zato mi je posebno drago da ekipa iz @znanje.hr to mijenja. Ove blagdane razveselili su nas sa vječnim klasikom Charlesa Dickensa i najljepšim izdanjem koje postoji.

Božićnoj priči vraćam se već tradicionalno svake godine. Kratka je, lako se čita, jezik je razumljiv i zato je idealna za blagdansko popodne kada se siti i sretni ušuškate pod dekicu. Godinama ju čitam na engleskom, mislim da mi je ovo čak bio prvi put da sam čitala na hrvatskom, i iako je bio drugačiji doživljaj, zahvaljujući prijevodu, koji je po meni odličan, uživala sam.

Svi znamo priču, ako i niste čitali sigurno ste pogledali neku animiranu interpretaciju, nije ništa novo, a opet me svake godine podsjeti na ljudskost i skromnost, potakne nešto u meni da se pokušam presložiti i izvući iz sebe barem malo bolju osobu.


A Christmas Carol

Charles Dickens

I always complain that we don’t get enough classics in Croatia and that we don’t have beautiful editions, and that’s why I’m especially glad that the team from @znanje.hr is changing that. This holiday season, they cheered us up with the eternal classic by Charles Dickens and the most beautiful edition that exists.

I traditionally return to A Christmas Carol every year. It’s short, easy to read, the language is quite simple, and that’s why it’s ideal for a holiday afternoon when you’re full and happy tucked under the blanket. I’ve been reading it in English for years, I think this was even the first time I read it in Croatian, and although it was a different experience, thanks to the translation, which I think is excellent, I enjoyed it.

We all know the story, even if you haven’t read it, you’ve probably watched some animated interpretation, it’s nothing new, and yet every year it reminds me of humanity and modesty, it encourages something in me to try to change myself a bit and get at least a little better person out of myself.