U trenutku kada rat stiže sve bliže njihovom domu u Londonu, Millie i Reginald Thompson odluče poslati jedanaestogodišnju kćer Beatrix u Ameriku. I koliko god ta odluka bila u najboljoj namjeri neke su stvari i odnosi nepovratno uništeni…
Iako se u samom opisu spominje rat ovo je najmanje ratna knjiga koju sam čitala. Nema svih onih užasa i tragedija koje rat nosi, ali ima ljubavi, slomljenih srca, snova, života i obitelji. Predivna ljubavna, životna, obiteljska priča u kojoj je rat zapravo samo pokretač svih događaja.
Kratka i brza poglavlja koja su meni savršeno odgovarala, pisana tako da su me držala na rubu stolice, nisam mogla prestati čitati i nažalost dovršila sam ju u samo dva dana. Knjiga je uglavnom tužna, ali to sam i očekivala, pogotovo nakon što sam se toliko vezala za likove da sam svaki njihov gubitak i razočaranje doživljavala kao vlastite. Autorica piše toliko živopisno i stvarno da i sada imam osjećaj da sam i sama proživjela sve opisano.
Kraj možda nije onakav kakav je moje srce priželjkivalo, ali to mi nimalo nije umanjilo oduševljenost ovom pričom.
Ako ste raspoloženi za jednu ljubavnu povijesnu fikciju i odrastanje uz prekrasne likove onda nemojte zaobići A onda more.
Beyond That, the Sea – Laura Spence-Ash
At a time when the war is coming ever closer to their home in London, Millie and Reginald Thompson decide to send their eleven-year-old daughter Beatrix to America. And no matter how well-intentioned that decision was, some things and relationships were irreversibly destroyed…
Although the description itself mentions war, this is the least war book I’ve read. There are not all the horrors and tragedies that war brings, but there is love, broken hearts, dreams, life and family. A wonderful love, life, family story in which the war is actually just the trigger of all events.
Short and quick chapters that suited me perfectly, written in a way that kept me on the edge of my seat, I couldn’t stop reading and unfortunately I finished it in just two days. The book is mostly sad, but I expected that, especially after I got so attached to the characters that I saw their every loss and disappointment as my own. The author writes so vividly and realistically that even now I have the feeling that I myself lived through everything described.
The ending may not be what my heart desired, but that didn’t diminish my enthusiasm for this story at all.
If you are in the mood for a romantic historical fiction and growing up with beautiful characters, then don’t miss Beyond That, the Sea.