Roman Plemeniti gospodin u Moskvi obožavam. Zavoljela sam ga od prve stranice i uživala do posljednje. Uvrstio se na popis najdražih knjiga i uvijek ga svima preporučujem.

Nakon toga kao hladan tuš stigao je roman Lincolnova cesta. Roman s kojim se uopće nisam povezala i koji mi nikako nije odgovarao, a kojem sam se jako veselila.

Razumljivo je onda da sam bila dosta skeptična kada sam započinjala Pravila uljudnosti. No ispostavilo se da se nisam imala zašto brinuti. Pravila uljudnosti su još jedan vrhunski roman Amora Towlesa, a zapravo prvijenac,  koji me odveo u New York u daleke tridesete. Vrijeme džeza, koktela, Manhattana 1930-ih, ljubavi i društvenih klasa.

Dvadesetpetogodišnja Katey Kontent ambiciozna je i izrazito snalažljiva tajnica koja se vrlo vješto ubacuje u društvo više klase. Katey je lijepa, pametna, duhovita, draga i uz sve to još i čita sve od Dickensa do Agathe Christie. U godini dana njezina života uživati ćete u čitavoj lepezi manje i više simpatičnih likova – Eve Ross, Tinker Grey, Henry Grey, Anne Grandyn…likova čija će vas sudbina sigurno zanimati i zbog kojih nećete moći prestati čitati.

A ako želite uživanje u čitanju postaviti na jedan novi nivo tada si pustite i glazbu toga razdoblja.


Rules of Civility

Amor Towles

I adored A Gentleman in Moscow. I loved it from the first page and enjoyed it until the last. It made it to the list of favourite books and I always recommend it to everyone.

Reading The Lincoln Highway was like a cold shower. A novel with which I did not connect at all and which did not suit me at all, and which I was very much looking forward to.

It is understandable then that I was quite skeptical when I started the Rules of Civility. But it turned out that I had nothing to worry about. The Rules of Civility is another superb novel by Amor Towles that took me to New York in the thirties. A time of jazz, cocktails, 1930s Manhattan, love and social classes.

Twenty-five-year-old Katey Kontent is an ambitious and extremely resourceful secretary who very skillfully blends into upper-class society. Katey is beautiful, smart, witty, sweet and on top of that she reads everything from Dickens to Agatha Christie. In a year of her life, you will enjoy a whole range of more or less likable characters – Eve Ross, Tinker Grey, Henry Grey, Anne Grandyn…characters whose fate will certainly interest you and make read without a break.

And if you want to take the enjoyment of reading to a new level, then play the music of that period.