Drugi nastavak Knockemout serijala donosi napetu ljubavnu priču između Line i Nasha. Nash, poznat kao „Rasni dobrica“, iako ga na prvi pogled možemo smatrati smirenim i dobronamjernim, zapravo skriva mnogo više od toga. Sudeći prema strastvenim scenama koje ovaj roman nudi, koje su možda i najintenzivnije u čitavom serijalu, jasno je da je Nash daleko od toga da je samo „dobrica“.

Stanovnici naizgled mirnog gradića uskoro se nađu u vrtlogu uzbudljivih obračuna s kriminalcima, ali i sa vlastitim emocijama koje ne mogu ignorirati. Lucy Score nas ponovo vodi u svijet u kojem ljubav nije samo jednostavna, već ispunjena izazovima i teškim trenucima.

Ovaj put autorica nam donosi slow burn ljubavnu priču, koja možda nije moj favorit jer više volim brže i dinamičnije romanse, no moram priznati da je Score obogatila radnju predivnim likovima i svojim prepoznatljivim duhovitim stilom pisanja. I Nash i Lina su likovi s kojima se lako poistovjetiti – oboje su snažni, ali istovremeno i duboko ranjivi. Kroz njihov susret, njihova prošlost polako izlazi na površinu, a s njom i teške rane koje su nosili. Postepeno pronalaze put do sebe i jedno do drugog, ali i do vlastitog izlječenja.

Jedina zamjerka odnosi se na nešto sporiji ritam romana u odnosu na prethodna dva, no to nije nešto što bi vas trebalo odvratiti od uživanja u ovom serijalu jer je ovo serijal kojem ću se s radošću vraćati.

Ako volite romanse u malim gradovima i ako ste, kao i ja, zaljubljeni u Knockemout i njegove šarolike likove, Sve što skrivamo od svjetla obavezno morate pročitati.


Things We Hide From the Light – Lucy Score

The second book of the Knockemout series brings a tense love story between Lina and Nash. Nash, known as the “Studly Do-Right”, although at first glance we may consider him calm and well-intentioned, is actually hiding much more than that. If we rely on the spicy scenes that this novel offers, which are perhaps the spiciest in the entire series, it is clear that Nash is far from just a “Do-Right”.

The residents of a seemingly peaceful town soon find themselves in a whirlwind of exciting confrontations with criminals, but also with their own emotions that they cannot ignore. Lucy Score takes us again into a world where love is not only simple, but also filled with challenges and difficult moments.

This time the author brings us a slow burn love story, which may not be my favorite because I prefer faster and more dynamic romances, but I must admit that Score enriched the plot with wonderful characters and her recognizable humorous writing style. Both Nash and Lina are characters with whom it is easy to identify – both are strong, but at the same time deeply vulnerable. Through their encounter, their past slowly comes to the surface, and with it the heavy wounds they carried. Gradually, they find their way to themselves and to each other, but also to their own healing.

The only small complaint is the somewhat slower pace of the novel compared to the previous two, but that is not something that should deter you from enjoying this series because this is a series that I will happily return to.

If you like small-town romances and if, like me, you are in love with Knockemout and its colorful characters, Things We Hide from the Light is a must-read.