Ann Napolitano vodi nas u svijet Williama Watersa, sina jedinca koji odrasta u obitelji obilježenoj tragedijom i Julije Padavano, djevojke koja je trebala biti njegova druga prilika za obitelj koju nikada nije imao, ali…

Prošlo je skoro godinu dana od kada sam prvi put čitala ovaj roman i moram biti iskrena i priznati da sam tada imala nekih zamjerki. Smetalo me ponavljanje koje se povremeno javlja kroz roman, a i pomirljivi kraj nije mi se tada činio baš realan. A sada? Sve to nisam niti primijetila. Oduševio me. Ne znam što se dogodilo u ovih godinu dana, valjda život, ali baš ovakav roman i njegov kraj sada su mi savršeni.

Priča je doista divna, fantastično je prikazana depresija i različite reakcije ljudi u blizini onih koji se s njom bore, potpuno realne koliko god bile tužne i krive.

Stil pisanja je prekrasan uz mnoštvo citata koje sam imala potrebu zapisivati.

Prikaz odnosa u obitelji je također odličan. Likovi su super razrađeni, Williama sam zavoljela od prve rečenice, a Juliju mrzila do zadnje, ali mi to nije nimalo pokvarilo dojam. Ženski likovi su posebno detaljno i dobro razrađeni.

Emotivna je i mislim da neće biti srca koje će izdržati te emocije koje je autorica uspjela izazvati. Svako oko će bar malo zasuziti.

A ja? Ja uglavnom ne plačem uz knjige. Uglavnom. E, pa draga Ann Napolitano rasplakala si me po drugi put iako sam znala što me čeka. Mislim da to najbolje opisuje kakva je ovo knjiga.

Velika preporuka od mene!


Hello Beautiful! – Ann Napolitano

Ann Napolitano brings us the world of William Waters, the only son of a family marked by tragedy, and Julia Padavano, the girl who was supposed to be his second chance at the family he never had, but…

It’s been almost a year since I first read this novel and I have to be honest and admit that I had some complaints then. I was bothered by the repetition that appeared occasionally throughout the novel, and the reconciling ending did not seem very realistic to me at the time. And now? I didn’t even notice all that. It blew me away. I don’t know what happened in the last year, I guess life, but this kind of novel and its ending are just perfect.

The story is really wonderful, depression is fantastically portrayed and the different reactions of people around those who struggle with it, completely realistic, no matter how sad and wrong they are.

The writing style is beautiful with lots of quotes that I just had to write down.

The portrayal of family relationships is also excellent. The characters are well developed, I loved William from the very first moment, and I hated Julia until the end of the book, but it didn’t spoil my impression at all. The female characters are particularly detailed and well developed.

It is emotional and I don’t think there will be a heart that can withstand the emotions that the author managed to evoke. There will not be a dry eye.

And me? I usually don’t cry when reading. Well, dear Ann Napolitano, you made me cry for the second time even though I knew what was waiting for me. I think that best describes what kind of book this is.